Luxury does not define you as a person. What matters is what is inside. Stephanie Joplin is The Luxury Dropout, and she is here to help you find what is most important. Stephanie talks about her vision for the podcast and teases us with what we can expect in the show. Listen in to the trailer and feel the excitement of more episodes to come.
Watch the podcast here:
Listen to the podcast here:
A New Perspective: Getting Rich from the Inside Out with The Luxury Dropout
I want to take you back to a time when I surrounded and dressed myself with only luxury goods. If they weren’t luxury, I wouldn’t tell anyone about them. I truly felt that I had to be dressed in head-to-toe luxury to hide what was going on inside of me, which was depression, anxiety and feeling unfulfilled on the inside. I didn’t want to do the work. I didn’t want to work out. I didn’t want to eat properly. I didn’t want to learn about the inner workings of my brain, my digestive system, my mental health and my physical health. I didn’t want to go there because that seemed like too much work for me.
One day, it then hit me and you’ll learn all about that here in the show but things changed for me. I started to learn that you can have luxury goods but does it have to define you? Absolutely not. You are not defined by what you buy or what you wear on the outside. What you are defined by is what is in here and that’s where. That’s where I come in. I am determined to help my fellow ladies and men as well. Men are always welcome. I am determined to help discover and find themselves throughout the episodes of my blog.

The Luxury Dropout: Remember, it’s not about what you’re wearing. It’s about how you’re feeling, how you’re taking care of your body, how you’re taking care of your mind and your soul.
Every single one will be full of information. Even if the episode isn’t applicable to you, you’ll be able to take away at least one thing from each blog. We’ll be enriching you from the inside out and I’m going to be along for the ride with you. We are going to bring in my vibrant group of friends, celebrities, experts in their fields, business owners, lawyers, doctors, authors or anything you could think of. I’m going to bring you all of their expertise right to your computer screen. I’m here to make all the mistakes, so you don’t have to.
All you have to do is grab a snack, sit back and soak up all of the information that we are going to learn here together on the show. Remember, it’s not about what you’re wearing, it’s about how you’re feeling, how you’re taking care of your body, how you’re taking care of your mind and your soul. Any lifestyle experience that creates a step towards wellness, knowledge and empowerment, all of these make us rich from the inside out. I want all of those resources to be at your fingertips.
You are not defined by what you buy, by what you wear on the outside. What you are defined by is what is in your heart and mind.
I know it can feel overwhelming to figure out how to channel your inner strength with the absolute flood of information that comes through our timelines each day on social media. Let me be your guide towards a more empowered version of yourself here on the show. I’m your host, Stephanie Joplin and until we meet again, I’m wishing you all the love in the world. Stay safe. I will see you very soon.